A Story
Worth Telling
A Story About a Family and a War
They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old;
No, age will not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
Robert Laurence Binyon

They Called Him Marvin
“A great, great story. Marvin shared it with Roger, Roger shared it with us. A history of a young WW2 soldier leaving a pregnant wife to fly a B-29, a plane so advanced it was being redesigned while it flew, bombing an enemy that would not surrender, even when their cities were burned down to the sidewalks. Japanese or American we see both sides of the war. The research is accurate and captivating. I could not put it down. Thank you Marvin for letting us to get to know your parents. And thank you Roger for telling their story" - JDS
eBook available on Amazon!
I would describe myself as a reluctant writer. Five years ago, I heard the story of a friend’s father in World War II. I was so moved by the story that I asked if I could write it. The result is the soon-to-be-published “They Called Him Marvin.” My life has been touched in so many ways by being part of documenting this profound story.
“Hard to put this one down. This is a great love story that also shares with us the immense sadness brought upon by war. The reader enjoys a unique experience as we see the affects of this war on families from both sides of this conflict. I especially enjoyed the letters, which makes you feel like you are experiencing their life” - TM

“Such a great story - found the descriptions so vivid that I could almost imagine myself there. This one is going on the shelf to share with future grandkids.”
- RC
"A history lesson and reminder that being on the “right” side of war is subjective, wrapped up in the most tragic love story. Not just the story of this young couple, but of a generation who experienced the atrocities of war and the sacrifices that were made."
- DWo
“Heart wrenching wonderful story that I couldn’t put down! So touching to read the letters from the very real people this book is about. A great reminder that war involves people just like us.”
- AH
“TCHM” is a history. A history of war and of family. A history of the collision of the raging politics of a global war, young love, patriotism, sacred family commitments, duty and the horrors and tragedies, the catastrophe that war is.
Not all the characters are human. The B-29, it’s development and history assumes a role as a main character. The war, as all wars do, has two sides. The lives of a Japanese family, the Kiyoshis, and their interactions with the B-29s is woven throughout the narrative.
At first glance, the story does not seem to end well for Lt Sherman, Connie and baby Marvin. His B-29 is shot down over Nagoya, he is captured and labeled a war criminal for the incendiary bombing of the city. But that is definitely not the end of their story.